- 1 ネイティブも認める!外国人をデートに誘う英語フレーズ14選
- 2 外国人をデートに誘う英語フレーズ
- 2.1 Would you like to hang out sometime?
- 2.2 Do you want to grab a drink later?
- 2.3 Want to check out this cool bar?
- 2.4 Let's catch a movie together.
- 2.5 I'm planning to go to this concert, do you want to come along?
- 2.6 I heard there's a great restaurant nearby. Want to try it out with me?
- 2.7 Let's go to the park and play soccer.
- 2.8 Are you up for karaoke tonight?
- 2.9 Want to go on a weekend trip to a nearby city?
- 2.10 Let's go to a museum or art gallery.
- 2.11 I'm planning a picnic, would you like to join?
- 2.12 Let's go shopping together.
- 2.13 How about we go to a theme park?
- 2.14 Let's have a barbecue party.
Contents1 【外国人と仲良くなれるアプリ】HelloTalkで英語学習しよう2 HelloTalkを使った英語学習方法2.1 HelloTalk英語学習①チャット2.2 HelloTalk英語学習②タイムライン2.3 HelloTalk英語学習③文章校正2.4 HelloTalk英語学習④電 ...
アメリカ人は英語フレーズを見て "Sounds good!" と言っていたので実際にデートに誘うときに使えるフレーズです。
Would you like to hang out sometime?
Would you like to hang out sometime?
Do you want to grab a drink later?
Do you want to grab a drink later?
Want to check out this cool bar?
Want to check out this cool bar?
Let's catch a movie together.
Let's catch a movie together.
I'm planning to go to this concert, do you want to come along?
I'm planning to go to this concert, do you want to come along?
I heard there's a great restaurant nearby. Want to try it out with me?
I heard there's a great restaurant nearby. Want to try it out with me?
Let's go to the park and play soccer.
Let's go to the park and play soccer.
Are you up for karaoke tonight?
Are you up for karaoke tonight?
Want to go on a weekend trip to a nearby city?
Want to go on a weekend trip to a nearby city?
Let's go to a museum or art gallery.
Let's go to a museum or art gallery.
I'm planning a picnic, would you like to join?
I'm planning a picnic, would you like to join?
Let's go shopping together.
Let's go shopping together.
How about we go to a theme park?
How about we go to a theme park?
Let's have a barbecue party.
Let's have a barbecue party.
Contents1 AIが教える!恋愛で使えるおしゃれな英語スラング10選2 恋愛英語スラング一覧2.1 Crush2.2 Lovey-dovey2.3 Swept off my feet2.4 Infatuated2.5 Head over heels2.6 Butterflies in my s ...