【SLAM DUNK英語学習】スラムダンクの名言セリフ23選を英訳してみた
"I'll do what I can do now!! I'll do it!!"
「俺に今できることをやるよ!! やってやる!!」
"When was your glory days, old man? Was it during your time with the All Japan team? I...I'm here now!!"
「オヤジの栄光時代はいつだよ…全日本のときか? オレは………オレは今なんだよ!!」
"I'll just support it with my left hand..."
"I've made hundreds of thousands of shots."
"Today...I'm going to defeat you here."
"Just tape it up already!!"
"We're not exactly friends, and I'm always angry with you guys...but (this team is...the best...)"
「オレたちゃ別に仲良しじゃねえし お前らには腹が立ってばかりだ だが…(このチームは…最高だ……)」
"Haruko...the strange guy you found became the man that Shohoku needed..."
「晴子……お前が見つけてきた変な男は 湘北に必要な男になったぞ……」
"I'll defeat him and become the top!!"
"If we're talking about speed...the number one guard is this Ryota Miyagi-pyon."
「スピードなら…NO.1ガードはこの宮城リョータ ーーーだぴょん」
"Dribbling is the way for short guys to survive!!"
"Coach Anzai!! I want to play basketball..."
「安西先生…!! バスケがしたいです……」
"Let's start the rest quickly!! Before my feelings fade!!"
「さっさと続きを始めるぞ!! オレの気持ちが醒めないうちにな!!」
"I'm Mitsui, a man who never gives up..."
「おうオレは三井 諦めの悪い男…」
"Don't make me're such a problem child..."
"...Making us wait for two years..."
「………2年間も 待たせやがって……」
"If you give up, the game is over right there."
"Do you like basketball?"
"As expected of the problem child squad...playing the villain role suits you, doesn't it...!!"
"We have guys who can score. I don't need to score 30 or 40 points. I don't have to be the star of the team."
「うちには点を取れる奴がいる オレが30点も40点も入れる必要はない オレはチームの主役じゃなくていい」-魚住純
"I'm the reason we lost!! The players from Ryonan played their best!!"
「敗因はこの私!! 陵南の選手たちは最高のプレイをした!!」-田岡茂一
"This is the first time I've respected an opponent player...!!"
"Do you want to be the best player in Japan? I don't care if you do it in a Japan without me."
「日本一? 日本一のプレーヤーになりたいのか? なるがいいさ オレのいない日本でな」-沢北栄治
"You can't afford to give up, red-haired have a future ahead of you. If you come at me, I won't hold back, I'm not a man who can go easy on you."
「無理はいかんぞ赤坊主…お前には将来がある むかってくるなら手加減はできねえ男だ 俺は」-河田雅史
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